Three weeks ago to the day I posted about how I had added SSL support to this website. In that post I mostly discussed why SSL is awesome and why people should use it, but at the end I cryptically hinted that I had some more notable motivation for adding SSL:
[So] what is special about now? The real reason I added HTTPS to this website now is an interesting one, but I haven’t finished with it yet.
Guess what? I’ve finished with it. And in case you hadn’t noticed, the article title gives the game away.
A Question Of Identity
Online identity is important and controversial. The modern web relies very strongly on knowing who you are, so that services can be provided to you. Social media sites want to know who you are so they can connect you with others. Shopping websites want to know who you are so they can sell you things. Other websites just want to know who you are so they can make sure you paid for the service you’re using.
For almost the entire history of the web, this has meant having a username and a password. Each site was their own domain, and you had your own username and password for each.
This had some advantages. You could choose what identity you wished to use. If you were a revolutionary, you could have a Facebook page that was clean and sanitised so your government didn’t think you were a threat, while using a totally different username, email address and password for your rabble-rousing blog. Each site and service had a different notion of what it was to be you.
Unfortunately, while this advantage is strong, it turns out that storing passwords securely is really, really hard. Securing your website against these kinds of intrusions is really hard, and almost all websites don’t really want to manage password databases.
This has led to a collection of services that centralise identity. These services offer the ability users to log in to other websites using their identity on the primary service.
For example, consider this image of the login page of the excellent 500px:

You can see that 500px lets you login with a 500px account, but also using your Facebook, Twitter and Klout accounts. What 500px is doing here is delegating the responsibility of establishing your identity to a third party.
The principle here is a good one. Doing identity is difficult, and for the vast majority of websites it is not really related to the service they want to provide. So why not let Facebook, and Twitter, and Google Plus, and GitHub, and whoever else manage our identities for us? Website owners win, because they don’t have to manage passwords, and user win, because they only need one password.
The Problem
The problem here is, as Dan Callahan has pointed out before, each of the services offering a definition of identity is less than ideal. The least scary problem is that some of them, like, oh, I don’t know, OpenID, have the crappiest interface known to man. It’s no good having a centralised identity service if no-one can work out how to use it.
Much scarier, however, are the Facebooks and Twitters of the world. These websites desperately want to be the sole definition of your identity. The problem is, they don’t want that for your benefit. They want it so that they can sell and control access to your identity. Does anyone think for even a moment that Facebook wouldn’t charge developers for using their identity service if they had a monopoly? This is leaving aside the slightly scary real name policies possessed by these websites.
The Solution
Happily, the bright bunnies at Mozilla have a solution. That solution is to take the best aspect of these centralised identity services, which is allowing developers to not manage usernames and passwords, and combined it with the best aspect of traditional internet identity, which is choice. To do that, they developed Persona.
I recommend you go and read about Persona, so I won’t spend too long on it here. Basically, the intention is that identity online is associated with email addresses. Each email address you have represents a specific identity. When a website wants to verify your identity, they should ask the organisation who actually knows: namely, your email provider.
This idea resonates with me. I have many email addresses: some are informal and used when I don’t really care about my identity. Some are formal and associate me with a specific organisation (like my work address). Still more represent the identity I want to have, more than the one I actually have. But each represents a slightly different facet of me.
More importantly, though, I want to be in control of my identity. I don’t want Facebook to do it for me, and I don’t really want Google to do it either. So what is a guy like me to do?
Well, I actually own a domain name. And I have an email address at that domain name. This means that I can do something that, even three years ago, I could never have imagined: I can take control of my online identity and become a Mozilla Identity Provider.
When In Doubt, Just Do It
So I did it. It’s not even all that hard. The exact mechanics of doing it are a little complex, and I hit a few snags that I will want to write about fairly soon so that others can avoid them, but basically it was only about an hour of actual work. I lost a lot of time to confusions with documentation, but I’m assured that the Persona folks are working on it, and I’ll hopefully document those mistakes too.
Despite that, I am now in charge of my identity. Any website that implements Persona can now ask my website if this guy claiming to be me is actually me. And if my website says yes, the other website will accept it.
This is awesome. More importantly, the future it represents is awesome. Because I don’t just have to define my own identity. If someone else I know is unwilling to let Google define their identity but only has an @gmail email address, I can give them an one, and they can use that instead!
Persona lets me see a future where identity and trust are decentralised. Where who we are is defined by the people we choose to define it. Where those who are sufficiently worried about identity can choose to assert their own. And that rocks.
Either later today or sometime next week I’ll write about my implementation of a Persona Identity Provider, and hopefully will open-source a version of my implementation to allow other sites to drag-and-drop a solution.
In the meantime, I choose to bask in the exhilarating feeling of being, once again, in charge of who I am.