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Leaving HPE

For the past two years I have been employed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to work on the various tools, libraries, and frameworks that make up the open-sourc...

Configuring TLS With Requests

A common problem encountered by Requests users is that they need to perform some specific configuration of TLS. This can happen for a number of reasons, but ...

A Unified TLS API for Python

I have just proposed PEP 543: A Unified TLS API for Python to the python-dev mailing list for discussion. While the bulk of the technical correspondence will...

Patches Welcome

For the last 18 months I have been a full-time Open Source Software maintainer. Since starting that role I have taken over the major maintenance work for upw...

Python on iOS

This holiday I discovered Pythonista, and my mind was blown.

Five Whys on Requests 2.12

Every now and then on big open source projects we have releases that seem to be particularly troubled. Some decision we made breaks a whole bunch of people’s...